"Making people believe the unbelievable is no trick; it's work...Belief and reader absorption come in the details: An overturned tricycle in the gutter of an abandoned neighborhood can stand for everything." -Stephen King

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Clearing out the cobwebs

I guess it's as good a time as any....  I have not blogged in a while. To be honest, my mind has been having several tug-a-wars lately. I'm not sure who is winning or which part/side of my mind is coming out on top. I'm not even sure I want to try and figure it out. It's a pretty scary thought.

But, the time is at hand. I need to stick with my blogging and build my audience for future books and interest. I really do want to write and consider myself a writer, just NOT a published writer... as of yet. But that day will come, I'm sure of it. It's just a matter of time. Of course, it would be nice to be the next Stephen King or J.K. Rowling but I should probably set my sights a tad bit lower for the time being. But just a tad, mind you. The creative and author part of my brain still insists that I'm the next in line. Of course, I'm sure I share that same opinion with many other writers that think their writing is the next best thing to a Pulitzer Prize. But, if we can't dream and dream big, then what's the point! Right? Right!

So, here it is - my promise to myself and those of you who stop by to read what I have to say, whether brilliant or just whimsical, is to blog once a week on my progress as a writer. I may throw out advice or little sayings and quotes for inspiration. I may even throw in some excerpts from my writing. I will probably also ask for your help and advice, which I always need if I'm going to continue to grow and succeed as a writer.

I love meeting new people and hearing what they have to say. So, don't be shy. Stop by, pull up a chair, maybe fix yourself a cup of tea...  and enjoy.

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